4 Signs You Should Downsize to a Smaller Home

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Our lives are constantly changing and it can be hard to predict future needs. What once was the perfect home for you and your family may now seem too much to handle. Many struggle to decide when to downsize since they are attached to their current home and the memories and possessions that go with it. However, there comes a time when living in a large home becomes inadequate and sometimes downright frustrating. Below we’ve outlined the top signs it is time to downsize so you can better gauge whether it is the right time for you to make a change. We prefer to think of it as “rightsizing”.

  1. You’re struggling to keep up with your home’s maintenance

If you have a larger home, the maintenance and upkeep required can become intimidating for one or two people. Upkeep for the interior and exterior of your home can easily turn into a hassle, especially as you age. Along with the effort maintenance takes, you also spend a large amount of time taking care of your home. Cleaning, painting, yard work, – it all adds up! This is time that could be spent on other things such as hobbies, traveling, or simply spending more time with your loved ones.

Every home will occasionally require work that lies outside your physical comfort level but if you find you are regularly struggling to perform chores to keep up your home, then downsizing may be a good choice for you.

  1. Your home has features that no longer fit your lifestyle

Do you have a formal dining room that simply collects dust everyday? What about the home theater room you thought you would use consistently? Even worse, what about the stairs you have trouble getting up and down on now that you are older? You may also have rooms in your home that serve no purpose to you, like an extra bedroom that you have no idea what to do with. Too much house not only causes wasted space like this, but can also cause you to waste money on heating/cooling and electricity to power the parts of your home you do not use.

If you find your home has much wasted space or features that hinder you, then you may need a smaller home better suited to your lifestyle. However, this doesn’t mean sacrificing the luxury of a large home. Simonini offers city homes with floor plans that maximize space, complete with high-end finishes, inviting outdoor spaces and more to give you a beautiful home that fits your needs.

  1. You’re often away from home

What’s the point in having a big home if you are never in it? Whether you travel often with work or you enjoy taking pleasurable getaways with friends and family, if you are rarely home then property taxes and utility costs are just money down the drain. Even if you do not travel often, but regularly go out and experience events in your city instead of entertaining in your home, you may not spend enough time at home to warrant owning a large house. If this is your situation then it may be time to downsize to a smaller home in order to spend your money wisely.

  1. You experience a growing desire to simplify your life

A large part of the appeal to downsizing is decluttering and simplifying your life. Purging things that you do not need or use anymore can feel like a load has been taken off your shoulders. Additionally, fewer things means more time and energy you can spend on things that really matter to you. Many experience this need to simplify their life during retirement and will even incorporate a minimalist lifestyle in addition to downsizing, to rid themselves of belongings that no longer serve them.

So should you downsize your home?

If any of the above reasons to downsize (or “rightsize) have resonated with you, then it may be time for a change. If you are interested in downsizing to a smaller home in Charlotte, NC then check out our luxury neighborhood Lombardy Terrace in Dilworth and our Cotswold City Homes for available properties. Give us a call today to find a home that is suited for the next chapter of your life!


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